interview advice
Before the interview
Do your homework – visit the company website, find out about the company, their ethos, history and future plans.
Study the job description carefully, make sure you understand it and the skills they are looking for. Consider these skills and think of specific examples to highlight your relevant experience.
Think about the questions you may be asked:
- Tell me about you?
- Why do you want to work for the company?
- What do you know about us?
- Why do you want the job itself?
- What makes a good (Job title applying for)?
- How do you like to be managed?
- What do you like most/ least about your present position?
- An example of when you have met targets/deadlines/had to prioritise?
- An example of when you have gone that extra mile for a client or colleague?
- What have you got to offer the company?
Think about the questions you would like to ask:
- Why is the position vacant?
- Can you describe a typical day?
- How quickly would you expect me to be fully up and running in the role?
- Can I see where I would be sitting?
- Why does the interviewer like working for this company?
- What are the opportunities for career progression?
- How does the interviewer feel that your skills match the role?
Make sure you know how to get there, and where to park if necessary. Do a trial run if you have time.
At the interview
Ensure you look your best! – Dress smartly and professionally, a suit should be worn to the interview, ensure that it is clean and pressed, a dirty shirt or tie gives a bad first impression. Ties should be toned down, let your personality shine through once you have got the job!
- DO NOT BE LATE! – Aim to arrive 10 minutes early.
- Relax and be yourself! They want to see the real you. Believe you can get the job.
- Provide a firm handshake at the start of the interview.
- Greet your interviewer, making good eye contact and smile!
- Listen closely to the interviewer. Answer questions concisely and be honest. Do not be afraid to ask the interviewer to clarify anything you do not understand.
- Remember in general terms, a prospective employer is looking for enthusiasm, determination and a willingness to learn.
- Don’t waffle and illustrate your points with specific examples, highlighting your relevant experience
- Sell yourself by highlighting your achievements and positives – don’t say anything that could be deemed as negative.
- Ask relevant questions and show interest in the company
- Be aware of your body language – try not to fidget and be aware of crossed arms!
- Always finish the interview on a positive note, if you are interested in the role tell them and ask what the next stage is.
- Thank the interviewer for their time.