recruitment process
We take the time to understand your business and the type of person you are looking for. If required, we will help to guide and advise you on current salaries and the candidate marketplace.
We then search and select the right candidates for you; this process is individually tailored to the role we are recruiting for.
To ensure we provide the best possible service, we have invested heavily in the leading databases, giving us access to the maximum number of candidates. We also proactively seek referrals from our candidates, thus widening the pool.
At the same time, we advertise your vacancy. Suitable candidates will go through an initial screening process and we use advanced interviewing techniques to short list candidates at this stage.
We only send you the most suitable candidates. On the odd occasion when we are unable to attract the right candidates, we will tell you rather than wasting your time.
Then we will arrange and co-ordinate interviews on your behalf, fully briefing candidates prior to attendance. We will check eligibility to work as required by law prior to interview.
After the interview, we will obtain feedback from candidates and discuss with you the way forward. At offer stage, we will liaise with the candidate to ensure a successful outcome.
Our service doesn’t stop when we place a candidate. We will stay in close contact with you and your new employee in the early months to help with the settling in process and provide advice if required.