Whether you are just starting out on the career ladder, fancy a change of direction or you're simply
hunting for a new job, planning a new career can be an exciting yet daunting process.
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how do i register?
Why make things complicated? If you are looking for a job, you don't want to spend hours filling in forms. Instead, call us! We'll take the time to talk through the type of job you are looking for and the experience you have.
Ask to speak to any of the team on 02380 404978.
Alternatively, register online using the simple registration form, this will send your CV directly to us and we can then contact you with suitable opportunities.
cv advice
It is vital that your CV creates an excellent first impression; its purpose is to get you an interview with a prospective employer. It is an outline of your skills and experience and needs to be presented in such a way that you stand out from the crowd. Most employers will scan read a CV so they need to find what they are looking for quickly!
How to Present your CV
- Make sure it is clearly laid out in a logical order
- Use a font that is easy to read
- Use bullet points where appropriate
- Don’t make it too long, 2 – 3 pages is sufficient.
- Ensure that dates are correct and explain any gaps
- Organise the document in reverse chronological order, highlighting your most recent experience.
- Use clear headings throughout (Work History, Education and Interests) to make it easier to read.
- Check, check and check again for spelling errors & typos – Remember it is a representation of you and could be the difference between securing an interview and rejection.
What to include in your CV
Personal Details
- Name
- Address
- e-mail address
- Contact telephone numbers
A short profile
- Briefly summarise your skills & experience
- Give an indication of the type of role you are looking to secure
Work History
- Start with your current or most recent job
- Include the employers name & nature of business
- State your job title clearly
- Ensure that the dates are correct and state the month as well as the year.
- Describe each role in detail using bullet points
- Highlight key achievements within each position
- Professional qualifications
- State all professional qualifications & dates gained
- Include relevant training courses
- List your IT knowledge including your level of understanding
- Start with the most recent
- State the name of the School, College or University you attended.
- Include qualifications gained with grades & dates.
- Interests & Activities
- Be specific & brief